Computer Science

Case study 1 | Computer Science homework help

In this case study, you have been tasked with generating a loan approval workbook that will determine if an applicant is eligible for a personal loan and if so, what the loan rate should be based on a set of pre-defined criteria. The bank manager has created the basic layout of the application she wants […]

PowerPoint presentation: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark civil rights and labor law. Explain what the act covers, how it has impacted the workforce, and how it impacts you.

 prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides not including the cover slide and the reference slide. (Seven slides total.)  Each of the five content slides must include 100 words in the Notes section.   You must use at least one reference, in addition to your book. You need to use in-text citations and the in-text […]

Module 3 | Computer Science homework help

  Overview In each module, you will be learning about different statistical functions in R. You will apply these functions to specific data sets, creating models that can be used to understand and solve real-world problems. You will gain practice creating models, reporting and interpreting their statistics, evaluating their significance, and using the models to […]

Watch a Netflix Film “The Social Dilemma” and consider your role in the world of social media employee or consumer

Assignment: 1. Please give me all the details of considering my role of employee or consumer.    write 4-5 paragraph to justify my role and issue surrounding the design and operation of systems for the functional areas of business because of social media. 2. list down atleast 10 different points to allow me speak in discussion. […]

Dddd | Computer Science homework help

APA format  500 words The rising importance of big-data computing stems from advances in many different technologies. Some of these include: Sensors Computer networks Data storage Cluster computer systems Cloud computing facilities Data analysis algorithms How does these technologies play a role in global computing and big data? Please make your initial post and two […]

Automated Code Review: WebGoat source code using the VCG SAST tool and verify the findings within the code.

  For this assignment, My task is to scan the WebGoat source code using the VCG SAST tool and verify the findings within the code. In particular, you will be be using VisualCodeGrepper, which is an open-source SAST tool running on Windows. It supports multiple programming languages(C++, C#, VB, PHP, Java, and PL/SQL). . Prepare […]

Data visualization project | analyzing & Visualizing data | Campbellsville University

Read the project research below. Discuss possible project/research ideas identifying the different angles. Prerequisite: The case study in chapter 4. The case study introduces the process of completing a data visualization project.  Project: You’re responsible for creating a Data Visualization project plan and implementation. You have to plan the process and the implementation of the […]

Wk 5 – Apply: Policies Review [due Mon]

Many information security policies cross the entire spectrum of an organization.  Module 04, “Network Security Policy Design and Implementation,” of EC Council CND Courseware provides an extensive list of information security policies. Choose 5 information security policies. Find an example of each policy on the Internet. Academic institutions and federal government agencies tend to publish […]

Research paper | Computer Science homework help

  Threat Modeling A new medium-sized health care facility just opened and you are hired as the CIO. The CEO is somewhat technical and has tasked you with creating a threat model. The CEO needs to decide from 3 selected models but needs your recommendation. Review this week’s readings, conduct your own research, then choose […]

Bid Response Proposal Presentation

   Bid Response Proposal The objective is to present a Bid Response Proposal that provides a security solution for any business process of your choice. The financial business has 60 employees and is struggling with security issues both internal and external. Employees use laptops and have remote access to the office systems. Your Bid Response […]

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