Once you complete the PowerPoint lecture assigned each week, you must write a reaction paper for each topic, which must be two-pages, double-spaced with 12 font-size. The reaction paper must include the summary of the lecture and your insights. You have to create your own reaction papers. Copying others’ works will be considered “Plagiarism” resulting […]
In this assignment, the student will develop methods to utilize the media and promote a school/organization’s strategic plan. The student will identify marketing strategies for the development of a marketing plan and how marketing the strategic plan can facilitate an excellent public image. The student will create a strategic marketing plan. Assignment should be 5-6 […]
Mexico had permitted and even invited immigrants to part of its Northern territory. In the case of the Northeastern section of Mexico, those immigrants interacted and in a few cases intermarried with the existing inhabitants Northern Mexicanos and Indios. Although for the most part (like other Northern Mexican regions-today New Mexico , Colorado, California, […]
Application: Applying Knowledge of Culture and Family-Centered Care to Practice in Infant/Toddler Programs In this course, you have learned a great deal about the often abstract and complex subject of culture and how it can influence behaviors, interactions, and communication in infant/toddler programs. Imagine that you now have an opportunity to share what you have […]
Consider this statement: When a teacher tries to teach something to the entire class at the same time, chances are, one-third of the kids already know it; one-third will get it; and the remaining third won’t. So two-thirds of the children are wasting their time. —Lillian Katz, EdD Lillian Katz is a well-known leader […]
Assignment Details This week, you will begin your study of the Constitution and its impact on criminal law in the United States. Focus your discussion on the following: Identify 4 constitutional amendments that you believe have had the most impact on criminal law. Why did you choose these particular amendments? Which of the […]
This Assignment is due within a few hours…. Assignment 1: Discussion—Ethical Considerations Each person comes from a different sociocultural background even if the backgrounds are similar. As such, each person brings a separate set of beliefs and values that are reflected in his or her ethics. Organizations operate in much the same manner; each organization […]
This assignment will be graded according to your ability to identify and articulate an argument about the significance of the contrast between the two cases referred to in the two NYT articles, marshal evidence from the course’s materials to support the sophisticated argument you develop, as well as to show your ability to follow directions, […]
The student will complete a research assignment where he or she will address best practices that leaders can and should implement during all phases of a major incident and across disciplines. Students should take into consideration what they found in the first two assignments that needed to be addressed. Students should also focus on covering […]
Choose a topic from below (just one). Prepare a lesson that engages the student in discussion primed for debate. During the role play you will be the teacher and your student will be a 12 year old intermediate level student. Keep in mind that an intermediate level student has a rapidly expanding vocabulary and exhibits […]