Topic: Human Behavior and Behavior Management Question/Prompt: Identify a challenging classroom behavior such as inattention, poor homework completion, or verbal distractions. Please use scholarly resources to describe how each of the 6 impediments to managing behavior listed in chapter 2 of your text (medical model, challenging behaviors, concept of control, personal standards/social behavior, contextual […]
This assignment will go over major presidential elections over the course of recent American history. I want you to choose one of the following races; This assignment is at least two page MLA formatted assignment that covers the major factors in the race. Make sure you correctly cite your paper. Use in text citations. In the paper, I want […]
Discussion: Evaluating Research Questions, Hypotheses, and Quantitative Research Designs With a clear purpose in place, quantitative researchers have a road map for crafting their research questions and hypotheses that will further focus the approach they will take to investigate their topic (i.e., their study’s research design). The selection of a research design is guided by […]
READ CAREFULLY!!! Do NOT copy any portion of your response from other sources! You can click on the links at anytime, think about what you want to write, and then start writing for your submission. Students only get ONE post and you should respond to at least 2 other posts. Additionally, your submission cannot be […]
As the authors of your textbook have pointed out, assessment methods for student progress in reading or writing are based on standards adopted by your content area. Find your content area standards and find the standard that relates to reading/writing. Your content area organizations are a good place to look for your standards. Do NOT […]
1. The President Article II of the Constitution established the institution of the presidency. Select any TWO Presidents prior to 1933 and any TWO Presidents since 1933 and for EACH one: a. Discuss any expressed power used by each president and the impact that decision had on American society at the time of its […]
This assignment has to do with Developmentally appropriate practice. In this case, you would have to create your own classroom. There’s quite a few instructions but not hard. See attachment attached. To create this classroom you can use website for free.
Assignment Overview & Purpose: You are going to be watching two 50 min. videos length, and writing a reflection that analyzes presidential action of Bush and Obama in order to assess the development of executive authority, and analyze constitutionality. I have provided you with multiple objectives, relative to this topic. You will select 1, […]
Web Quests are an effective and fun way to bring reading and technology into your content area classroom. I call this “hidden reading” because students will read a great deal to accomplish the task you set for them; however, students will not be aware of the amount of reading they have been required to do due […]
The Adequacy of the Criminal Justice System One of the more interesting aspects of studying political science is examining public policies to learn how and whether they work to achieve the goals that gave rise to them. Public interests are not well-served if public policies fail to respond adequately. Relevant to the study of […]