Walden University NURS 6521 Week 5 Quiz 5 Course NURS-6521N-37,Advanced Pharmacology.2018 Summer Qtr 05/29-08/19-PT27 Test Week 5 – Quiz Started 7/1/18 5:54 PM Submitted 7/1/18 7:08 PM Due Date 7/2/18 1:59 AM Status Completed Attempt Score 29 out of 30 points Time Elapsed 1 hour, 14 minutes out of 1 hour and 15 […]
Should the Federal Government increase social services initiatives to improve the quality of life issues for the less fortunate ones. (For instance: 1) promoting training/educational assistance initiatives to help the unskilled workers obtain/hold jobs; 2) assist the elderly/homeless with affordable housing: 3) increase health insurance coverage for the poor.) Secondly, what impact would this have on […]
Over the next few weeks you will plan and implement 3 tutoring sessions/lesson plans with your student. You will create and implement these LPs based on your student’s strengths and weaknesses identified in the assessment process. The ILP should also be based on the 5 components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and […]
In the letter, you need to report assessment conducted with Lee. The twist is that you need to put it in parent-friendly terminology. Not everyone has extensive knowledge of literacy vocabulary such as you. 🙂 The letter needs to include three (3) paragraphs. Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself. Briefly describe the battery of tests that […]
Scenario Overview Teacher candidate will teach one explicit instruction lesson in ELA to support the use of assessment data to improve student outcomes. Students will choose the following standards to create their explicit instruction lesson plan to a 3rd or 6th grade class. CCR.SL.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and […]
Do you think the federal government should increase spending on Social Security and Medicare for the elderly? If not, how should the elderly fund retirement and medical costs? Provide research support for your positions. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings.
Here are few suggestions for your “Me Time”: Take a walk, call a friend, check on a neighbor, enjoy the sunshine, read a book for fun, enjoy your favorite beverage, plan a late night bedroom picnic, stream a movie, play your favorite games, do some experimental cooking, let someone else cook for you, grab your favorite “forbidden” food, […]
Week 2: Week 2 – W2 Assignment 2 Assignment 2: Comparing Goals and Objectives Research the Internet for examples of letter proposals, and compare the goals and objectives of at least three of them using the following criteria (Tip: Use the term “sample grant proposal” when you conduct your search):How well they address the identified […]
Part of being an educational leader includes inspiring future administrators and having a succession plan. As you are just beginning to learn the skills of a successful educational leader, thinking about what you might say to future leaders can help focus your own development. It is always helpful to begin with the end in […]
In his book Poetics, Aristotle argued that tragic drama can elevate how we experience fear and pity—two emotions that help shape our experience of life. The broad implication is that the task of art is to help us flourish, to be “virtuous,” in Aristotle’s special sense of that word: that is, to be good at living, […]