
540 discussion | Education homework help

  Read Moore C. 10-11; Post YOUR thought-provoking and discussion worthy summaries, questions, riveting points from chapter reading to the Discussion Board AND YOUR RESPONSES TO AT LEAST TWO OF YOUR CLASSMATES’ POSTS no later than SUNDAY BY MIDNIGHT AT THE END OF THE WEEK.

Pad 520 week 10 discussion (four different answer posted choose any)

PAD 520 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION 1“Planning Oral Briefings” Please respond to the following:•    Assume the governor has asked you to present an oral briefing on a controversial environmental program to a board of commissioners of a major county in the state. Three of the nine commissioners oppose the program and have experts on their […]

What is your dream job in Sports? Have you ever wondered what type of job you could get within your favorite sport organization?

 What is your dream job in Sports? Have you ever wondered what type of job you could get within your favorite sport organization?  This project investigates your favorite sport league, or sport franchise from the inside out. Focus should be placed on individual jobs within your chosen organization, qualifications, and chain of command. This […]

Ece 600 leadership innovation and social justice in early childhood | ECE 600 Leadership, Innovation, and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education | Ashford University

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING…. Commitment Statements Generate a commitment statement which: Demonstrates your responsibility in adhering to education policy. Explain your capacity for leadership and innovation as an early childhood professional. Describes your ability to argue for social justice and ethical practice in early childhood education Reflection Discuss what ‘leadership’ means to you. Describe the type […]

Review the history of national party nominating conventions. o what

Review the history of national party nominating conventions.o What are the formal and informal purposes?o How and why have nominating conventions changed over the years?o What factors influenced those changes? Reflect upon the 2016 Republican and Democrat Party nominating conventions.o How were the 2016 conventions different than previous years? How were they similar?o Did you […]

Case study report special ed

Assessment Description Special educators must be proficient at more than simply teaching, planning, and addressing student concerns. A large portion of the special educator’s career will be spent creating, implementing, and reviewing IEPs in meetings with parents/guardians and other professionals. Most educators find that the present level of academic and functional performance (PLAAFP) is the […]

Qualitative analysis | Government homework help

This Assignment requires that you incorporate qualitative techniques of analysis into your evaluation design for your Final Project. Keep in mind that some qualitative techniques may supplement your quantitative analysis more appropriately than others. Your evaluation budget may also be a major constraint and you may not have the resources to conduct an extended ethnographic, […]

Week 2 Discussion mat

Find an example of data in the news or on social media and share it in the Discussion Board. If you find your data in an online source, please include the link to the source in your post. Describe the type of data in your example, and what questions you have around the validity of […]

Edu 533 assignment 3 | EDU 533 – Instructional Design and Development | Strayer University

  Due Week 9 and worth 225 points The final project includes submissions from your prior assignments. The previous submissions must be revised based on instructor feedback and recommendations. Review the paper for flow and continuity. Note: The cover, abstract, and reference pages do not count toward the final page number. The total page count […]

STEP 3-5

Assessment Description At this stage in the unit development, you have aligned student learning to state, national, and technology standards, and assessed your students’ knowledge and abilities related to your targeted content. Collaborate with your cooperating teacher/mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Include technology integration and demonstrate how […]

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