
Special education | Education homework help

Review the following case scenario to inform the assignment that follows: Charlie is a fifth grader who receives special education services for a learning disability. He is on grade level in math and two years below grade level in reading. He receives services in a resource setting for one hour each day. Charlie has no […]

Utopia’s preparedness, mitigation & recovery

You are the emergency manager of Utopia, a mid-sized community that is economically and residentially balanced. The elected officials are considering annexing a section of contiguous property to the north. This area includes about 40 homes and a grammar school in the Wunderbar School District, which serves grades kindergarten through sixth. Just north of this […]

Piagetian vs Vygotsky

 The members of the board at The School of Changing Tides are embroiled in a heated debate over the drafting of a new educational policy: Some board members favor the adoption of a Piagetian approach, while others endorse a Vygotsky an approach. They have asked a panel of experts (including you) to advise them concerning […]

Liberty university glst 200 quiz 8

  Liberty University GLST 200 Quiz 8 ·  Question 1 2 out of 2 points What are the two types of work within the World Christian Movement that Ralph Winter names? ·  Question 2 2 out of 2 points To be a part of the World Christian Movement, you must become a foreign missionary. ·  […]

Unit vii assignment (juvenile delinquency)

Unit VII Assignment For this assignment, you will assume the role of a researcher for a nonprofit that examines international juvenile justice systems and/or youth violence. The nonprofit has asked that you complete a profile of two countries (use two of those discussed in this unit). First, why do we study international juvenile justice and/or […]

How to refine your idea for writing a children’s book

Being a writer, you usually know what you want to write. Nevertheless, refining an idea is always a great option. First, you should search for children’s books on google to do your research and make sure that your idea does not already exist. If you are a writer or an expert ghostwriter, you must know […]

Assignment 1 and 2 | Education homework help

Part 1  Your first set of slides (for Chapters 1 and 2) These slides will establish the basis for using play as a learning tool as well as the theoretical foundation. Be careful not to be too wordy – remember parents want this information but in short snippets. Check out PowerPoint examples if you are […]

Media response: racism in the criminal justice system

Write a scholarly response to these media representations (minimum 500 words). These selections are all related, so I do not want separate responses, but rather one response reflecting on them as a whole. The following list includes some suggestions to help guide your responses, should you choose to consider them. This response is yours so include […]

ED 6500-8 Final Assignment

  For the final assignment of your program, use your webcam and Kaltura to prepare a reflection video that responds to all the following prompts:  Part I  Think back to the early courses of your MEd or MEd-EDL program. Which major problem in education interested you at that time? What were the proposed solutions scholars […]

Topic 5 dq 1 | Education homework help

  Read the following articles from the Topic 5 Readings: “The Banality of Gilding: Innocuous Materiality and Transatlantic Consumption in the Gilded Age,” “Thorstein Veblen: Conspicuous Consumption, 1902,” and “America’s Gilded Age” and then answer the discussion question that follows: During the Victorian Age, the upper class became very wealthy in part by exploiting the […]

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