
Assignment 3 | Education homework help

For this assignment, you will follow the NutritionCalc Plus Instructions document to input the information from your Food Journal assignment in Unit 2. You will analyze your report using the information from NutritionCalc. Also included the food journal 

Course reflection | Government homework help

Think back on the topics we have covered this term. You might focus on some of the course content, the “controversial” ideas contained in the Discussion Boards or perhaps something we discussed in class. I’d like for you to reflect on something in those assignments that has led you to change your mind on a […]

Assignment 1: The Scavenger Hunt

Assignment 1: The Scavenger Hunt Due Week 3 and worth 100 points Let’s put your investigative skills to work! In this assignment, visit the Strayer online library located in iCampus or the Resource Center tab in Blackboard and find four (4) peer-reviewed quantitative or qualitative articles related to your topic. Read each article. Write a […]

Powerpoint | Education homework help

 Directions: Each student is required to develop a PowerPoint for chapters 14 & 15 in the Creswell textbook.  Students are encouraged to be creative and include Video-links to their Power-Points. DO NOT JUST COPY what is on the Book – Look for other sources. Make sure your PowerPoint includes a reflection on the following guiding questions: Connections: What connections do you draw […]

Human services | Government homework help

 You are required to research the Institutional  Review  Board (IRB) and detail the  important factors for the ethical protection of research participants. You will identify and discuss what an IRB  is , the historical development of IRBs, and the three types of IRB review.   The criteria for the levels of review should be detailed and […]

Creativity program experience | Education homework help

Assignment will be submitted via turn It in  For this assignment, you will design a Creativity Program Experience you can use in your setting and with your students. Follow the steps below: Review the five (5) programs below. Think about their purpose. For example, the “Invention Convention” is an event that gives students an opportunity […]

310 week 1 paper | Government homework help

 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the  Executive Branch, Congress, and defense industry in Defense  Acquisition, and where defense acquisition authority is derived.   For  this paper, you will need to find an article in the library that  relates to the roles and responsibilities of at least one branch of  government where acquisition authority is derived.      Write […]

Functional Behavior *two pages*

Functional Behavioral Assessment Short Paper After reviewing the reading for Week 3, address the following in a two- to three-page paper:  Describe how teachers collect data in order to determine the functions of a behavior.  Analyze the importance of collecting and reviewing data before implementing specific interventions to address challenging behavior.  Discuss three common behaviors […]

Lesson plan for english language learners

Creating lesson plans that align the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards and content standards is a requirement of educators who have English language learners in their classrooms. Among the most important aspects of English language development are the integration of language instruction and practice across the content areas, which includes differentiation of instruction to address […]

Need back in 37 hours from now

Grant Proposal This week you will complete your modified common grant proposal. The proposal will include the following sections: A cover letter to introduce the nonprofit and grant program to the funder A summary of the grant project An appeal section that details how the program relates to the funder’s priorities A needs statement including […]

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