
Government 101-1 | Government homework help

In part 2 of section 1 you learned about both the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution.  You also read about the Tenth Amendment and what it means in regards to the power relationship between Texas and the United States.  Watch the following video.  In this video you will see Governor Rick Perry addressing […]


   THIS IS A TWO PART DICUSSION. Please write these separately  PART 1 Nature vs. Nurture The debate concerning the influence of inherited traits and abilities compared to the influence of environment on human development has been argued for decades. The required reading this week provides information on the extent of which human development and […]

Watch “sex and social dance”

  Watch “Sex and Social Dance” After watching the video, answer the following questions in e.s.s.a.y.. format. E. s .s .a.. y .  must be 2 5 0-  3 0 0 words. What is a courtship or ‘coupling’ dance?  Give an example from the film and describe the dance.   In which culture is the […]

Outline 200 | Government homework help

 The outline can follow the format listed below with regards to section headings, but you do not have to follow it. You can add more sections, but the outline must include the five sections highlighted by an asterisk (*). Include at least 100 words per section that you use. Topic is: Explain, define and defend one of the […]

Compare and Contrast the major elements of the assigned articles by Coyne et al. and Messina et al.

APA Format 1200 Words   Complete the “Coyne and Messina Articles Analysis” resource. Study the information in the right-side column related to the Coyne et al. study, which identifies the required elements as found in the reading.   Complete the information for the Messina et al. article by identifying the required elements from the article. […]

Benchmark – cross-disciplinary unit narrative | SEC 540

For this benchmark, write a 750-1,000 word narrative about a cross-disciplinary unit you would implement in your classroom. Choose a minimum of two standards, at least one for the content area of your field experience classroom and at least one supportive literacy standard to focus on for the unit narrative. You may use your Topic […]

Three-day Unit Plan

For this benchmark, you will complete a mini-unit of three informational text-based lesson plans and a corresponding assessment plan. You should utilize the lesson plan and other materials that you have created throughout this course. Complete three informational text-based lesson plans that will be taught as a unit for a grade level that you specify […]

Transforming learning spaces & environments powerpoint

  Please answer ANY ONE question in a Powerpoint presentation designed to share with your School Improvement Team with the goal of convincing them that change in this identified area is needed.  Would you want to learn in the same classrooms and spaces as well as under the same conditions as all your learners? Why […]

Gov discussion 1 | Government homework help

 You will find a current event related to topics in Texas government: state and local politics. Whats a summary analysis, you say? The grandaddy of all political science, Harold Lasswell, is known for defining Politics. , Ideological values, beliefs, and opinions, aside, when it comes to government and politics, his definition of the word (ironically) […]

Reflection PD Essay

Teacher Reflection through job embedded PD essay   Choose five activities for job-embedded professional development according to Figure 3.1 (p. 70) in Ch. 3 of Schools as Professional Learning Communities.   Write a 350- to 700-word essay explaining how each activity supports reflective teaching. Include at least five sources, including this week’s readings and videos, to justify how each supports […]

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