Develop and implement management plans that incorporate scientific principles and that comply with environmental laws and ethical principles in a team environment Environmental Management plans should always be integrative, and often are centered on an environmental management system (EMS). The Overseas Private Investment Corporation shared the key elements of EMShere: To creatively determine […]
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Where does water exist in your home environment? In what forms does it exist? How does water move through your environment? How does it change forms? Pick another environment that is different than the one you live in. Compare and contrast how water exists and […]
Scenario No. 2: “Vaccine Gone Awry Emergency Response” I HAVE TO DO A YOUTUBE VIDEO…. PLEASE ABOUT A 5 MINUTES PRESENATATION TO THE QUESTIONS LISTED BELOW… AS LONG AS TYHE QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED I AM GOOD !!!! Imagine you are the director of FEMA using NIMS when this disaster occurs. Review the […]
What is a grey market? What is the impact of grey market? Gray markets are unauthorized sales channels that appear when large price gaps exist between one market and another. Though not illegal, gray markets siphon sales away from authorized distribution channels. Companies can lose revenue and profits to gray markets, but loss isn’t inevitable. In […]
Complete Episode 4: “Controlling Energy Systems” of Gamescape. Imagine that you are preparing a 750- to 1,050-word letter for a time capsule for your great-great grandchildren which explains the long-term energy sustainability plan that you developed in Episode 4 of Gamescape. Include the following points in your letter: Briefly describe the nation’s current energy situation, reliance on […]
Question 1: Many photographic processes use chromium salts. Washing the photographic plates results in excess hexavalent chromium being discharged into wash waters and eventually into our waterways. Considering the pollution prevention hierarchy, what options are available to reduce these discharges and which would be most preferable? Question 2: Evaluate and contrast source reduction, emission […]
From your opinion and a supporting external resource answer the following question: How has a specific human activity (for example, smoking) altered the geological environment? Make sure to only include ONE human activity- NO REPEATS, and a supporting external reference. AND From your opinion and a supporting external resource answer the following question: How has a specific natural disasters […]
The Scenario: You are back at your plant the Monday after the Dangerous When Wet leaking tanker incident happened, and you are telling your fellow HazMat Team Coordinator how you handled the situation. Before he has a chance to offer his opinion, a call comes in over your radio that a forklift has punctured a […]
Question 1: Of the environmental regulations discussed in this unit which do you feel has had the greatest impact on the environment and industry? Be specific and justify your opinion. Question 2: Select a company you have worked for (summer job, internship, co op assignment, regular job) and determine whether it used a sequential […]
I have homework for my environmental communication. it is self in nature narrative 4 pages length, double spaced. describe in detail a significant experience that you ave had in or with the environment. Use imagery and vivd language to bring reader into the experience. I have written almost two pages so all what you need […]