Environmental Science


No need for resources or APA formatting – At least 200 words each –  but I need these done today: 1. The Unites States imports oil that comes at a high cost and is dependent on foreign governments to meet energy needs. Do you think it is worth the political, economic, and environmental risks to […]

What is Environmental science

Please answer the following questions. 1.    1. Cite four global trends that indicate that the health of planet Earth is suffering:   a.       ________________________________   b.      _________________________________   c.       _________________________________   d.      _________________________________   1.     2. What are the concerns of the environmental justice movement? 3. What is the Scientific Method? Explain one the ways […]

BOS 3001Safety Occupation and Heath Unit 1 Assessment Questions-1

BOS 3001Safety Occupation and Heath Unit 1 Assessment Questions-1 During a recent worksite inspection, you identified a serious hazard and recommend that it be corrected immediately. The maintenance supervisor says he fixes things in the order received, and your order goes to the bottom of the list. Discuss some possible methods for helping the […]

BOS 3001Safety Occupation and Heath Unit 1 Assessment Questions-3

BOS 3001Safety Occupation and Heath Unit 1 Assessment Questions-3 Where should the safety manager be located within an organization? In your response, describe the size of the organization, to whom the safety manager should report, and the best strategic location for interacting with other departments. Discuss why these issues make a difference?

A1BTC GEL111 Coastal Processes Discussion

Description Unit 5 Discussion: Coastal Processes Part I Please review the following video on coastal geology and discuss this topic.  The current day commercial building of many of the coastal areas around the world will change the natural coastal processes.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of coastal development?  Research and find the costs in […]

I need hypotheses fracking causing global warming

I need hypotheses fracking causing global warming   After defining the topic of Global Warming, refining your hypothesis, and specifying the units of analysis in the Hypothesis research stage, you will now collect scholarly articles on your refined hypothesis. The Literature Review will consist of 5-7 journal articles (each article should address the subject matter […]

A1BTC How Does Precipitation Affect the Topology of The Earth Question

Description Unit 5 Assignment: Surface Water and Our Oceans Log in to “Layered Earth” and review the following sections: Unit D: Shaping The Earth  Unit D1: Shaping Earth’s Surface (D1-1 – D1-2) Unit D2: Mass Movement (D2-1 – D2-3) Unit D3: Water and Ice Landforms (D3-1 – D3-5) Unit D4: Wind Landforms (D4-1 – D4-3) […]

CON-nuclear 2 Pin It Nuclear medicine is a specialized branch of modern medicine that exploits the process of radioactivity for imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Many imaging techniques inject small amounts of radioactive material into the body, which ar

CON-nuclear 2 Pin It Nuclear medicine is a specialized branch of modern medicine that exploits the process of radioactivity for imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Many imaging techniques inject small amounts of radioactive material into the body, which are then tracked by a sensing device specific to the type of radiation emitted from that material. Radiation […]

University of Alabama Environmental Science Essay

Description write an aquifer essay on the aquifers of Florida. The requirements are below: Length: 2-3 pages 11-12 point font. 1.5 space. Figures are welcome as long as they are properly cited and are not the majority of the paper. Content: Write about the aquifers of Florida. You need AT LEAST 3! One of the […]


For each assignment, you will use the M.U.S.E. link to complete the lab. Access the M.U.S.E. by clicking on Learning Materials. In this lab, you will observe the time progression of industrialization and human development to help you write up a scientific paper that centers on the following: If current human development does not change, will […]

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