1. Compare and contrast the roles of mens rea (i.e guilty mind) and actus rea (i.e, the forbidden act or omission) as they relate to proving a crime has been committed. Next, discuss whether the concurrent occurrence of these elements is more beneficial to the prosecution or the defense. Justify your response. 2. It […]
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As you learned in your readings, before interrogating a suspect in police custody, the police need to inform the suspect about his or her constitutional rights. Tasks: Assume you are a high-ranking official in a law enforcement agency and have ten years of experience in the field. You have been asked to make a presentation […]
American society to limit interest in crime often minimize events, circumstances and situations. Explain the role of tolerance and victimization using one of the theories. – Criminological theory, Biological theory, deterrence theory, Biosocial theory, evolutionary theory, Psychological theory… APA 6 Format Minimum of 5 paragraphs 5-7 sentences per paragraph In text citation and references 12 […]
CJA 483 Choose a component of the criminal justice system: police operations, court systems, or corrections. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that answers the following questions: a.What is your definition of justice as related to the component you selected. b.What are three current practices of the component selected that demonstrate the successful achievement of […]
Details: Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. You have been tasked to devise a program to address […]
Research one of the following ethnicity and corrections case studies: The Stanford Prison Experiment California’s race-based lockdowns Attica Prison riot Farmer v. Brennan, et al. Present the significance of cultural diversity as it relates to correctional facilities using your selected case as an example. Summarize ethnic disparity and discrimination within corrections. […]
Each of the following questions should be answered with a minimum of 5 to 7 sentences why why must the government provide an indigent defendant with an attorney? ADd*gideon case *Adversary process *Sixth Amdendment Right to Counsel Describe the Pennsylvania system of imprisonment? 3. What is the exclusionary rule, and […]
CRJ306 Week 3 DQ 1 Fifth Amendment Fifth Amendment. Everyone has heard or seen the “Miranda Rights” on television and/or in movies. In fact, most people could probably recite what they are without reading the actual U.S. Supreme Court case or reviewing a criminal law textbook. However, there are a number of factors at […]
Research the employment law legal issues faced by the Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Prepare a post to the following: (i) the name of the company;(ii) a list of the employment law legal issues faced by the company;(iii) a description of how the company manages and addresses these employment law legal issues;(iv) a description of the legal risks […]