
Research methods & statistics for criminal justice

Develop a questionnaire or interview with a minimum of 10 questions that address the criminal justice issue that you have selected.  Make sure your questions are clear, concise, and unbiased.  Consider the responses you might receive. Will these responses provide answers to the research question? You must use each of the 4 question types (open-ended, dichotomous, […]

CJ 2231 500+ word original post plus (2) responses each with PEER REVIEW last 4years will be COPYSCAPED before purchase due Jan 14th by noon CST

  Need a 500+ response plus (2) 60 word posts for me to post at a later date both can agree with an angle of the 500 +word post also MUST HAVE 2 Peer reviewed sources within the last 5 years       1) Discuss the problem of unjust punishment and how we can […]

Alternative dispute resolution paper | Law homework help

Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words reviewing a state level (not federal) business dispute taken either from your own experience, the text, or your own personal research. Include the following: Describe the legal form of business of the business involved in the dispute.   Describe how this case would be processed through the court […]

health care Law

  As a chief operating officer, you are responsible for a 15-bed Emergency Room (ER). You have received many complaints within the last year regarding inadequate patient care, poor ER management, long wait times, and patients being sent away because of lack of space, staff, or physicians to provide appropriate care.       Write […]

Intro to emergency management mod5 homework

PART I   Directions: Answer the following questions.  Be sure to cite any sources you use.  Please visit the Academic Resource Center for concise guidelines on APA format.   1.How is the National Guard deployed to assist in response to a disaster? 2.What is the role of first responders when a routine “minor disaster” occurs […]

CJ 2231 500+ word original post plus (2) responses each with PEER REVIEWED articles last 4 years will be COPYSCAPED before purchase due Feb 5th by 0800 CST

Need a 500+ response to main DB topic plus (2) 60 word posts for me to post at a later date both need a creative thought process in your own words angle of the 500 +word post also MUST HAVE 2 Peer reviewed sources within the last 4 years            1) Should probation be […]

International law | Law homework help

Write a Reaction Paper- Assigned 4-5 pages.   What are the human rights obligations of corporations under international law? Discuss a lawsuit in which an American corporation have been brought to court for alleged violations of human rights.   this assignment is worth 100 points.

Employment Law

Objective: Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.   Introduction  This essay will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of various areas of employment law. You will describe “at-will” employment, explain limitations on employers under the Americans with Disabilities Act, articulate […]

Dq questions and slide show

Each dq needs to be 250 words   1)What does the alignment of organized crime with legitimate businesses and local political figures mean for a community?   2) What benefits may organized crime offer to legitimate businesses and local political figures?   3) What legitimate employment sources may criminal enterprises create in the community   […]

organized crime

Each dq needs to be 250 words   1)What does the alignment of organized crime with legitimate businesses and local political figures mean for a community?   2) What benefits may organized crime offer to legitimate businesses and local political figures?   3) What legitimate employment sources may criminal enterprises create in the community   Models of […]

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