QUESTION 1 Sentencing is done with five basic goals in mind: Retribution, Incapacitation, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, and ___________________? A. Out of Spite B. Fairness C. Restoration D. High conviction rates QUESTION 2 Incapacitation is the use of imprisonment or other means to reduce the likelihood an offender is capable of committing future offenses. […]
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Essay Criminal Problem In this assignment, you will identify a criminal problem in your community and design a community corrections program to address it. Write a 2-3 page paper following these steps: Describe the corrections program you would design to address this problem. Explain your decisions regarding the program and what re-incarceration problems you hope […]
One of the most influential modern views of legal theory is the critical approaches to law, which include: Critical Legal Studies, Feminist Legal Theory, and Critical Race Theory. One of the main objectives of these legal theories is the deconstruction of the law; this is based on a moral relativistic worldview that denies the […]
Individual Criminal Law Paper Locate a recent criminal Supreme Court case you find interesting. Provide a brief summary and properly cite the case. Write a 700- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions: · What interested you about this case? · What are the sources, purposes, and jurisdictions of the criminal law […]
Write paper as instructed. My news link is My article comes from the Houston Chronicle “Federal Suit says San Antonio cop raped woman, came to nouse when she told” Written by Carol Cheistian Feb. 10, 2014
Week 1 Individual Police Influence on Society Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes how the historical development of policing in the United States relates to the current relationship between police and different ethnic groups and social classes. Support your discussion with examples from law enforcement practices, court procedures, corrections populations, or all […]
PLEASE….NO PLAGIARIZED WORK!! Review the case titled: “ U.S. v. AOL” ( Then, refer to the report titled “ Investigations Involving the Internet and Computer Networks” dated January 2007 by the Department of Justice located at Write a 3-4 page paper in which you: Interpret how you believe a computer was used to commit the crimes […]
Essay DNA In Law Enforcement With the discovery of DNA still being rather new, we may still have some hurdles to overcome and changes to foresee. Newly emerging technology involving DNA continues to enhance the efforts of law enforcement. In a 1-1.5 page Essay, please respond to the following prompts: Describe how […]
Week Four Case Studies Choose one case study from each chapter; Chapter Eleven (pp. 286-287), Chapter Twelve (pp. 310-311), and Chapter Thirteen (pp. 334-335). Answer the “Questions for Discussion” of the case studies you have chosen. The answers to your discussion questions will help you write your Case Study Analysis. Writing the Case Study […]