Presidential Authority in a Murder Case Assume you are a Criminal Justice student working on a research project. You are assigned to research the arrest and conviction of a suspect charged with a murder that took place in a federal building. Click here to read the scenario. —————————————————————————————————————– Assessment Scenario: […]
Criminal justice research benefits society, the practitioner, and you as a student in many ways. The research provides a base of learning competencies regarding various criminal justice research methods and statistics related to criminology and crime, crime control, justice, and policy-making decisions. As a student of criminal justice, you will be exposed to various […]
Crime and Victimization Trends There are several different trends that can be seen in crime and victimization. Discuss one crime trend (either in the United States, or internationally – but please specify which you are discussing), or one victimization trend and why it is categorized as a trend. In need 150 words on […]
Forensic Biology Discussion Board 3 The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected to create an original response to the open-ended DB question as well as […]
Resource: Films on Demand · “Crime and Punishment” · “Experiment Research and Design” · “Selecting a Sample” Resource: Types of Crime videos in CJ Criminology · “Introduction to Crimes Kiosk” · “Defining and Measuring Crime” Resource: Criminology in the 21st Century · How Crimes are Measured Utilize FBI Uniform […]
Scenario: Company is considering dropping health care coverage after the xpiration of current collective bargaining agreement, amd paying federal penalties instead., this would leave employees in a situation where they would need to buy insurance through and exhange. The local union will demand a large wage increase t offset the reduction in contributions from the […]
All answers should be in APA book Reference: Walsh, D. J. (2013). Employment law for human resource practice (4th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western. Unit III 1. Demonstrate your understanding of these terms by using them correctly in a paragraph you create. Creativity is encouraged, but not required; a realistic scenario would be best. […]
In this experiment you will begin with a microscopic examination of your own hair and also from pets in your home, if you have them. You will first become familiar with the class characteristics present in your hair and in animal hair. In the second part of this experiment you will attempt to confirm the […]
Essay Inmate Release In this assignment, you will evaluate two hypothetical criminal cases in terms of inmate release. Imagine you are the authority figure in connection with these cases. Significant overcrowding in the prison system means these two inmates must receive early release; your task is to determine what form that release should […]
Discussion Question 1: Billing Standards for Law Firms Multitasking can sometimes lead a lawyer down a slippery slope toward double billing. Sly Willy is a solo bankruptcy lawyer whose office is about an hour’s drive from the federal district court. He uses the car phone to talk to clients while traveling to and from […]