
Apl4 | Psychology homework help

APL4-Test Anxiety Reflection Prompt Test anxiety affects many college-aged students.  Do you think your anxiety level is different for in-person vs. on-line tests?  Why or why not?  To end this APL, describe a study that could examine this experimentally. Make sure to specify your independent and dependent variables. Formatting and Style This reflection should be […]

Ashford 3: – Week 2 – Assignment How the Brain Learns

How the Brain Learns In Chapters 3 and 4 of your primary text, Farrar and Montgomery discuss executive functioning and memory development (2015), and the factors that influence brain development. For this assignment, you will build upon that knowledge by further investigating how the brain learns. Remember that working memory, attention, and executive functions […]

Week 4 assignment | Psychology homework help

Please pick one pathology from the attached list and follow the format on the table.  This assignment will be submitted as a POWERPOINT presentation ONLY. Each item listed on the table represents a different slide in your power point, such as Etiology, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, etc. Your last slide should list your references. Keep […]

Psychology of Parenting

***Due SATURDAY February 27th at 8:00pm EASTERN time*** DO NOT CREATE A HANDSHAKE WITH ME IF YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS ASSIGNMENT COMPLETED BY THIS SATURDAY AT 8 PM EASTERN TIME!!! Save us all the headache here and please don’t bite off more than you can chew. I do not tolerate unprofessionalism and will report you […]

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 16-18 slides for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF).

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 16-18 slides for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF). Address and include the following in your PowerPoint: A title, introduction, and conclusion slide. What is the MMPI-2-RF and what does it measure? What are the legal and ethical requirements for a professional to administer, interpret, and/or report the results of […]

The serial position experiment | Psychology homework help

Using CogLab, complete the serial position experiment and create a report on the experiment. In your report, write a brief introduction explaining what the serial position effect is. In addition, include some representative researches on this effect. Next, in the Methods section, describe the process that you followed to complete the experiment, including a description […]

American Military University Rational Skepticism Essay

Description CO2: Examine the relevance of language and logic to problems of knowledge and reality. CO5: Evaluate various approaches to the mind-body problem CO6: Evaluate various approaches to the problem of free will. Again, please do not start a new thread. Please post to the threads I have started below for the option of choice. […]

Assignment 1: Discussion Question: Transference and Countertransference

Assignment 1: Discussion Question: Transference and Countertransference By Saturday, March 5, 2016, respond to the discussion question. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions and continue the discussion untilWednesday, March 9, 2016. At an inpatient residential treatment facility, a depressed client unrelentingly begs the attending consultant for […]

Categorization and scripts | Psychology homework help

Explain categorization and the two main types of categories—natural categories and artificial categories. Describe how the prototype theory explains the formation of categories. Explain the difference between a script and a schema. Describe two scripts you use to perform two different everyday activities. Explain why you think these scripts help you perform the tasks. Cite […]

Consider the following examples of research findings: 1. High satisfaction with one’s direct supervisor leads to lower levels of employee turnover. In other words, employees who are highly satisfied with their direct supervisor are less likely to leave

Consider the following examples of research findings:  1. High satisfaction with one’s direct supervisor leads to lower levels of employee turnover. In other words, employees who are highly satisfied with their direct supervisor are less likely to leave an organization than employees who are dissatisfied with their direct supervisor (DeConinck, 2009). 2. High levels of […]

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