Reply to: There are many ways to treat sexual disorders depending on the specific issue. A therapist can interview a patient to see if there is an underlying problem they can get to (Comer et al., 2021). They do this by going over their history to pinpoint a time when the problem began which could be helpful. It […]
Students will write a 7-10 page, double-spaced, typed paper on some aspect of counseling theory, practice, application, or issue; you will use APA style format for your paper. The Outline is Due First Research Paper Outline (20 points): Students will write an outline of their research paper (See an example under Information and Content). The […]
APA -PLEASE USE 3 PEER-REVIEWED SOURCES *APA FORMAT* Do you agree with Susan Sontag, that remembering is an ethical act? What do you think she means in the passage? What thoughts do you have on this excerpt and its relevance to ethics in psychology? You may find it useful to research the author and position […]
***Each response needs to be ½ page or more*** RESPONSE Respond to a colleague who used a different strategy in addressing the issue of confidentiality. Discuss the importance of confidentiality in treatment groups. Colleague 1: Octavia Describe in detail strategies you prefer to use to ensure confidentiality in a treatment group for individuals living […]
Reply to: Cisgender, transgender, nonbinary, or gender fluid. It has become more common in today’s society to hear that someone is gender fluid or cisgender. Cisgender means that the individual feels comfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth. Whereas gender-fluid refers to someone who identifies as both or neither gender (Comer & Comer […]
Discussion Impact of Ageism and Adultism, Adultism refers to the oppression of young people by adults. The popular saying “children should be seen and not heard” is used as a way to remind a child of his or her place and reaffirm the adult’s power in the relationship. The saying suggests that children’s voices are […]
You have been working at the Willie Wonka Toy Factory for approximately 6 months now. Your supervisor has given you your 6-month employment evaluation, which was excellent. As a result of your great work, your supervisor has informed you that he has chosen you to be tasked with developing educational toys for children. You are […]
Click on the link below and read the article titled “Comfortably Numb: Desensitizing Effects of Violent Media on Helping Others (citation below) and complete the following questions: Bushman, B. J., & Anderson, C. A. (2009). Comfortably numb: Desensitizing effects of violent media on helping others. Psychological Science, 20, 273-277.If you have trouble opening the article, […]
Reply to: Gender variation refers to the people with a gender expression that is seen as different from the social norm. In the current society, there are different gender variations. They include; transgender, homosexual, and bisexual. Several cultural factors affect gender identity(Turban). One factor is gender roles. It refers to the concept of society […]
This needs to be re-written to avoid plagiarism: For this week 6 application 1 we are going to be using the data set named USW1_RSCH_8260_ statsAnxietyAdvQuant. sav file. This week assignment will make emphasis in factorial analysis of variance or two way Anova. According to Warner (2013) twoway ANOVA is used whenever we have two […]