Whether or not knowledge of psychological ideas and concepts gleaned in this class influenced your thinking about yourself and human behavior in general. Why/Why not? Refer to at least four of the concepts discussed in class (e.g., emotion, personality, motivation, psychological disorders/treatment, intelligence, learning, consciousness, human development, memory, sensation & perception) in responding to this […]
For this assignment, use data from W1 Midweek Assignment.ATTACHED Using Microsoft Excel and following the instructions given in your lecture, compute a one-sample t-test comparing the age of your sample to the age of the general population of college students in traditional on-ground universities. Assume the population mean is 21. Move your Microsoft Excel […]
Description Reading/Literacy specialists need to be able to evaluate various literacy resources for use in the secondary classroom to support content area literacy. Reading/Literacy specialists should also be able to determine which current resources and technological tools enable secondary content teachers to more effectively convey relevant disciplinary concepts to their students. Research at least five […]
** Applied Behavior Analysis Research Paper ** Paper Sections: – Study of self-injurious behaviors and the intervention with Functional Communication Training – Title Abstract. – Introduction (1–2 pages). The intent of this research is to investigate the use of Functional Communication Training to Reduce Self-Injurious Behaviors. – Literature Review (6–8 pages). Conduct a review […]
In everyday life, we are regularly exposed to various claims about human psychology and human behavior. While some of these claims may be scientifically valid, many of them are not. Choose a psychological claim about which you are skeptical. If you are having trouble thinking of one, think about common areas of pseudoscience that you […]
Description I need a reply to the following: Spinoza believed that “substance” was real. He disagreed with Descartes (a contemporary philosopher) that there were multiple things (Mind and Body) making up a substance. Aristotle also used the term but his meaning referred to basic things in the world that were individuals. Spinoza had religious influences […]
Leaders are exposed to many different sources of ethics education and training. For instance, MBA and other academic programs often have a specific course or learning outcome devoted to ethical practice, organizations often require ethics training for all employees, especially leaders, and there are numerous ethical guidelines that exist that can help leaders avoid […]
Three-page assignment: Select a career path (e.g., architecture, engineering, nursing, business management, etc.). Analyze the impact that gender has in: The career choice itself, including gender stereotyping within that career Other factors that might influence career choice, obstacles to entering the career, and factors that impact career success The work setting within that career, including […]
Description With the recent spate of police shootings in the United States, there has been an uproar regarding police discrimination against the black community. Technology has played a large role in these events, making the job of a police officer even more challenging. This same technology has the opportunity to improve policing policies across the […]
Please write at LEAST three paragraphs for each question. When friends of new parents ask, “What is the baby’s sex?” they could be asking two things: (a) Does the baby have the biological genitalia of a male or female, and/or (b) Will your baby follow the social role of a male or female? Describe the […]