
Reentry Programs Presentation

Description Imagine you work for a community corrections agency, and you are investigating new program opportunities to partner with. You have been asked to present your findings in your team meeting. Research community correction programs and parole/probation in your state. Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you: Define community corrections. Identify […]

psychology research paper

The research paper you choose a topic from the textbook or elsewhere that is psychologically related (check with me if it is not part of the textbook’s table of content) and write the paper from a research viewpoint instead from a self-reflective lens.  The research paper provides an opportunity to demonstrate the understanding of the […]

Discussion 2 | Psychology homework help

Use the social constructionist/symbolic interactionist approach (in particular, “the social process of deviance” and “moral entrepreneurs”) to interpret how Donald Trump, his political associates, and his media supporters have portrayed undocumented immigrants as dangerous “deviants.” The posts will be graded according to the following criteria: Relevance: the ideas expressed indicate that the student has read […]

Discussion: Prejudice

  People often use jokes to test the boundaries of what is considered offensive. Under the guise of humor, the joke teller can attempt to minimize any offense taken by defending the humor as “just a joke.” Clearly, an attempt to belittle or demean others as a form of humor is distasteful. And in every […]

Discussion | Psychology homework help

Supporting Antonio and his Grandmother Antonio is a 17-year old young man who lives in the inner-city of Chicago. Last night, he witnessed the fatal shooting of a female classmate. Concerned about Antonio’s psychological and emotional wellbeing, Antonio’s grandmother brought him to the community mental health clinic. As a Human Services Professional who has training […]

Assumptions About Psychological Testing and Assessment

  Assumptions About Psychological Testing and Assessment In the unit introduction, you read about the influence that your history and previous experiences with tests may have on your perception of them at the start of this course. Remember to set aside these perceptions as you enter the course and learn about tests and their measurement. […]

Crisis intervention | Psychology homework help

 Post a phrase you have said to someone in crisis or someone has said to you that you now know was not appropriate, effective, or empathetic. What was the result of the exchange? Now, based on what you have learned about crisis intervention skills, how would you revise the phrasing to be most effective and […]

Midterm reasearch paper

 Midterm Paper Each student must select one topic given in class or from the textbook chapters 1-7. For this paper (8 pages), you may speak in the first person since it is a reflection of the topic you choose. The paper will address each of the following:         1.    Your experience with the chosen psychological […]

Week six final paper for psy 640

  Week six psy640 final paper       For written transcript, click here.   Psychological assessment guides are created by psychology professionals to provide the public with accurate and authoritative information appropriate for their current needs. Information available to the public about psychological testing and assessment varies widely depending on the professional creating it, […]

University of Southern California Immanuel Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals Paper

Description Overview You are being asked to write a critical research paper in which you present, respond to, and apply an issue in Immanuel Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. Thus this paper will have three distinct sections, roughly equal in length. You will first present a challenging/problematic issue in his work. This can […]

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