20% Film Critique (4-5 pages, 1000-1500 words, revised from Canvas posting)
Take an idea about one of the films we have screened in class or as weekend viewing and develop it more thoroughly by bringing a reading of a key scene into dialogue with a specific reading from the course.
For example, you could watch Citizen Kane, read Giannetti’s “Synthesis” chapter on Citizen Kane, and critique the sledding scene with your own reading in conjunction with Giannetti’s observations about the film. Reviews by other critics that you have read and discussed on Canvas can count as class readings–but ONLY if you used the review in a posting already and are revising that posting.
Minimum expectations: You must analyze at least 1 key scene using 1 class reading. Attach a Works Cited page and be sure to cite all your sources, including films, in such a way that the exact copy of the film or article you are using is easily located.