This is my final Course Project on Clinical Laboratory, and it has four parts to it. Attached document has the specific instructions on has this research project is going to be done, kindly go through the document. Due date are listed below:
Phase 1 PROJECT TOPIC: Introduction-Draft is due on 14 September 2019.
Phase 2 PROJECT TOPIC: Introduction Final draft, Literature Review draft, References draft (minimum of 30) is due on 28 September 2019.
Phase 3 PROJECT TOPIC: Literature Review Final, References Final, Conclusion and Recommendation draft, Appendices draft is due on 10 October 2019.
Phase 4 PROJECT TOPIC: Final Research Thesis, Complete project into a final, Photo-ready copy, and a Power Point for oral presentation/defend is due on 23 October 2019.
Thank you very much for the anticipated help.