Consider the revenue results from telephone solicitations by
Meals for the Homeless in 2011 (see Exhibit 10-2). What do you make of this?
What are some possible explanations? What questions do you have?
Exhibit 10-2
Meals for the Homeless Activity Statement For the Years Ending December 31, 2011, and December 31, 2010.
2011 2010
Revenues and Support
Client revenue $ 10,000 $ 8,000
City revenue 20,000 16,000
Shelter Counseling
Client revenue 1,000 1,000
County revenue 10,000 10,000
Fund Raising
Foundation grants 70,000 50,000
Annual ball 12,000 11,000
Telephone solicitation 25,000 28,000
Mail solicitation 48,000 45,000
Total Revenues and Support $196,000 $169,000
Food $ 17,000 $ 16,000
Kitchen staff 35,000 33,000
Counseling staff 35,000 34,000
Rent on kitchen locations 15,000 14,000
Administration and general 75,000 65,000
Bad debts 4,000 4,000
Depreciation 10,000 10,000
Total Expenses $191,000 $176,000
Increase (Decrease) In Net Assets $ 5,000 $ (7,000)