Crime and ethics | Science homework help

Category: Science


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Research and provide 1–3 slides of statistical information concerning the overall scope of each crime category either nationally or world-wide.

Research and provide 2–4 slides that summarizes two specific crimes that have occurred within each category. Provide facts concerning the cases. This would include the who, what, when, where, and why of the crimes. Also include any other details, such as the number of computer(s) or people involved, or how long it took for investigators to solve and prosecute the parties involved. Discuss any financial penalties or criminal sentencing that was imposed.

Some violations, although technically a crime, may be referred to as an administrative violation, which involves fines. There are some actions that may not be classified as a crime, for example, excessive compensation for board members or excessive bonuses for managers. There are actions that are considered unethical but legal. There also may be some actions that are illegal but ethical. Provide 1–2 slides addressing the following:

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