Critical thinking paper | Geography homework help

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Critical Thinking Paper


The Critical Thinking Paper is an argumentative essay using the process of thinking critically about the themes and topics presented in the course to develop a clear and cohesive position on a specific issue. These papers are designed to help you become better researchers and writers in the process of investigating topics related to the course. 

Ideas to consider as you develop a topic:

  • Relationship of the physical feature/concept/form to local, regional, global patterns/activity/circulation/flows
  • Relationship to the human landscape
  • Controls, limits, and change…
  • Resulting impacts of that change and what may be done to adapt to or modify living conditions

These papers follow a rigid Critical Thinking format; concise writing and exact length; accurate and appropriate use of sources, cited properly, including a complete, properly formatted List of Sources. Finally I require high quality writing. Use HCC’s writing resourcesLinks to an external site. for guidance and access HCC’s Style GuidesLinks to an external site. for Bibliographic material.

Critical Thinking Paper 

The paper is worth 100 points. 

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