English discussion **need done in next 6 hours***

Category: Questions

In 1-2 well-developed and well-detailed paragraphs, discuss ONE of the topics listed below. **Need done in the next 6 hours***** 

·  How does Sundiata’s journey compare to the journey of another epic hero, both with regard to the journey’s purpose and the result? You might include the ideas about exile, quest, and the comrades who accompany the epic heroes on their journeys.  

·  Discuss the concept of religion in Sundiata–and compare/contrast its use to another text we have read. You may include the differences between monotheism and polytheism; the role of the gods in the epic heroes’ lives; and how the gods were perceived by their society.

·  On one of the videos from the Backgrounds section, the narrator claims that a “griot is much more than a mere storyteller.” Discuss the importance of the griot for Mali society and what other roles he plays in addition to storytelling. You might use as an example the figure of Balle Fasseke, Sundiata’s personal griot.

·  Compare/contrast the role of family and women in particular in Sundiata to two other texts we have read. What do these roles tell you about how the culture perceives women and their role both inside and outside the family?

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