Exercise A-3: Software Training Program ABC Company has 50,000 employees and wants to increase employee productivity by setting up an internal…

Category: Engineering

Exercise A-3: Software Training Program

ABC Company has 50,000 employees and wants to increase employee productivity by setting

up an internal software applications training program. The training program will teach employees how to use Microsoft software programs such as Vista, Word 2010, Excel 2010,PowerPoint 2010, Access 2010, and Project 2010. Courses will be offered in the evenings andon Saturdays and taught by qualified volunteer employees. Instructors will be paid $40 perhour. In the past, employees were sent to courses offered by local vendors during companytime. In contrast, this internal training program should save the company money on trainingas well as make people more productive. The Human Resources department will manage theprogram, and any employee can take the courses. Employees will receive a certificate for completingcourses, and a copy will be put in their personnel files. The company is not sure whichvendor s off-the-shelf training materials to use. The company needs to set up a training classroom,survey employees on desired courses, find qualified volunteer instructors, and start offeringcourses. The company wants to offer the first courses within six months. One personfrom Human Resources is assigned full time to manage this project, and top management haspledged its support.

1. Project Scope ManagementCreate a WBS for this project and enter the tasks in Project 2010. Create milestonesand summary tasks. Assume that some of the project management tasks you needto do are similar to tasks from the Project Tracking Database example. Some of thetasks specific to this project will be to:a. Review off-the-shelf training materials from three major vendors and decidewhich materials to use.b. Negotiate a contract with the selected vendor for its materials.c. Develop communications information about this new training program. Disseminatethe information via department meetings, e-mail, the company s intranet,and flyers to all employees.d. Create a survey to determine the number and type of courses needed andemployees preferred times for taking courses.e. Administer the survey.f. Solicit qualified volunteers to teach the courses.g. Review resumes, interview candidates for teaching the courses, and develop alist of preferred instructors.h. Coordinate with the Facilities department to build two classrooms with 20 personalcomputers each, a teacher station, and an overhead projection system(assume that Facilities will manage this part of the project).i. Schedule courses.j. Develop a fair system for signing up for classes.k. Develop a course evaluation form to assess the usefulness of each course andthe instructor s teaching ability.l. Offer classes.2. Project Time Managementa. Enter realistic durations for each task and then link appropriate tasks. Be surethat all tasks are linked in some fashion to the start and end of the project. Usethe Project Tracking Database as an example. Assume that you have six monthsto complete the entire project.b. Print the Gantt Chart view and Network Diagram view for the project.c. Print the Schedule table to see key dates and slack times for each task.

3. Project Cost Managementa. Assume that you have four people from various departments available part timeto support the full-time Human Resources person, Terry, on the project. Assumethat Terry s hourly rate is $40. Two people from the Information Technologydepartment will each spend up to 25% of their time supporting the project. Theirhourly rate is $50. One person from the Marketing department is available 25%of the time at $40 per hour, and one person from Corporate is available 30% ofthe time at $35 per hour. Enter this information about time and hourly wages intothe Resource Sheet. Assume that the cost to build the two classrooms will be$100,000, and enter it as a fixed cost.b. Using your best judgment, assign resources to the tasks.c. View the Resource Graphs for each person. If anyone is overallocated, makeadjustments.d. Print the budget report for the project.4. Project Human Resource Management.a. Assume that the Marketing person will be unavailable for one week, two monthsinto the project, and for another week, four months into the project. Make adjustmentsto accommodate this unavailability so the schedule does not slip andcosts do not change. Document the changes from the original plan and the newplan.b. Add to each resource a 5% raise that starts three months into the project. Printa new budget report.c. Use the Resource Usage view to see each person s work each month. Print acopy.5. Project Communications Managementa. Adjust the timescale on your Gantt chart to enable the chart to fit on one page.Then paste a copy of the Gantt chart in PowerPoint. You can use your PrintScreen button to copy the image and paste it into PowerPoint. Also add keymilestones to the Timeline and copy it into a second PowerPoint slide. Copy andprint out both slides in PowerPoint on one page.b. Print a To-do List report for each team member.c. Review some of the other reports, and print out one that you think would helpin managing the project.

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