This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of the film Midnight Cowboy and the readings about the film. You will be asked a series of multiple choice questions and 2 short essay questions.
Make sure to read the wording of each question carefully and to answer essay questions in their entirety.
The short answer questions require you to reference specific scenes in the film AND discuss at least one article assigned with the film. All required materials assigned for each module can be accessed via the module overview page. For Midnight Cowboy, the the readings for this module can all be accessed via the Module 4: Overview page. It is assumed that students will have read all articles prior to taking the quiz. Each exam in this course also requires students to make specific reference to the films and accompanying articles.
In the event that you cannot access the file via the hyperlink provided in any question, you can either access the required article via to files in the tab menu to the left of your screen and search for the name of the file, or via the Module 4: Overview page.