Financial health | Human Resource Management homework help

Category: Questions




0 Points

The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the meaning of the rations chosen and their applicability to the organization being analyzed.

The student demonstrates a reasonable but not complete understanding of the meaning of the rations chosen and their applicability to the organization being analyzed.

The student demonstrates a limited understanding of the meaning of the rations chosen and their applicability to the organization being analyzed.

The student does not demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of the ratios or how they can be used to assess the organization’s financial condition.

All 5 of the rations are calculated accurately

3 -4 of the rations are calculated accurately

1 – 2 of the rations are calculated accurately

None of the ratios are calculated accurately.

The student draws accurate conclusions for each of the ratios and for the overall financial health of the organization.

The student draws some accurate conclusions for each of the ratios and for the overall financial health of the organization. There are a few mistakes

The student draws few accurate conclusions for each of the ratios and for the overall financial health of the organization. There are several mistakes

The student’s conclusions for each of the ratios are inaccurate and the overall conclusion on the financial health of the organization is not valid.

Writing quality: Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors. Easy to understand.

Writing quality: Writes with some errors but the paper can be readily understood.

Writing quality: paper includes numerous errors. Requires some effort to understand.

Writing quality: The paper is poorly written and is difficult to understand.

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