When a victim or patient experiences a respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest or obstructed airway, you need to act swiftly and promptly starting with basic life support skills.When a patient experiences a respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest or obstructed airway, you need to act swiftly and promptly starting with basic life support skills.
Basic life Support Sequence: Describe the sequences of basic life support. Explain each sequence as it is indicated.
Chest Compressions: Chest compressions work on two principles to help circulate the blood: First, they increase pressure in the chest cavity, causing the heart to pump; and second, they provide direct compression to the heart itself. Review chest compressions and describe how to deliver effective chest compressions. Explain the procedures for performing one-rescuer, two rescuers adult CPR; CPR on infants and children, and when to terminate CPR.
Mistakes, Complications, and when to Withhold: What complications can be caused when administering CPR? Explain Defibrillation in detail.