Developing Nation Problem-Solution
Within Unit VII, you are going to submit a Problem/Solution Research Paper that analyzes a social issue being
faced by a particular periphery or semi-periphery nation. You will begin your research paper project in this unit.
You will submit an essay which will act as a beginning draft for your Unit VII Research Paper. This Unit V essay
assignment will not be submitted through SafeAssign since this is a draft assignment. You will be permitted to
copy and paste material from this essay directly into your Unit VII paper.
Before starting the Unit V essay assignment:
1. Read the requirements for the Unit VII problem-solution paper, and review the grading rubric for the paper, as
well. This information can be found below, within the Unit VII Research Paper instructions.
2. Pick a country for your essay assignment which will also be the same country used for the Unit VII paper (the
country must be from a periphery nation or semi-periphery nation). Note: The Unit II reading explains the
concept of periphery and semi-periphery which will help you in choosing your country.
3. Begin brainstorming and researching about the issues and solutions you want to cover in this essay assignment and subsequently in your research paper. You can choose one of the topics listed in the link below, or you may pick your own topic:
Unit V Essay Assignment Instructions: Submit a two page essay with draft material you can use in your final paper (remember, the final research paper is due in Unit VII). This two page essay is meant to get you started in your researching and writing for the final paper.
Developing Nation Problem Solution Essay Assignment Instructions & Requirements Check List
The two page essay must use the following headings:
Introduction of Problem, Solution, and Conclusion.
It is required that each section include the following:
1. Introduction of Problem: Briefly introduce the country you are presenting and the
major social issue (economic, political, environmental, political, war, poverty, etc.)
Include a description of the nation’s background, geography, demographics, and
other important details about the nation that are important for your presentation of
the problem. Present details about the social issue being faced in the nation. You
can present more than one issue. This section should contain research you found
on the issue and your own analysis. Make sure to include who the problem impacts
and seriousness of the issue. You want to convey to the reader why it is a problem.
Present your thesis or main argument in the introduction.
2. Solution: Present at least one solution to the issue. This section should contain
research you found on the solution(s) and your own analysis. Discuss things like
why it is the best solution, who is involved in implementing the solution, and
potential positive and negative impact of implementing the proposed solution(s). *In
the final draft in Unit VII you will provide a more in-depth explanation and analysis
of the solutions and include at least one sustainable solution to the problem.
3. Conclusion: Include: (1) Summary of what was discussed and any final thoughts.
You can talk about how it impacts the future, need for future research, or call to
It is required that you apply the term globalization in your essay in some capacity.
Discuss how globalization or inter-connectedness relates to the issue or solution.
This discussion could involve concepts discussed in the textbook like the impact of
colonialization, imperialism, technology, environment, immigration/migration,
Westernization, terrorism, geopolitics, trade, military, etc.
Your paper should be written in APA style with a minimum of 2 pages (not including the title
and reference pages).
Source Requirement: Your essay must contain research you have gathered from a
minimum of two sources (not including the textbook). Sources can be from
reputable news or magazine sources, organizational or governmental websites, or
peer reviewed journal sources.