Please submit a Microsoft Word document of your essay. Assignment Instructions: This assignment asks you to read an environmental research article and write an essay in which you summarize the research and reflect on and respond to it.The first part of the essay should provide a summary of the article, including the main focus or research question addressed in the paper, the research methods, and the key findings or arguments of the paper. After summarizing the paper, reflect on it and discuss it in the context of course material and concepts. Questions you might consider include: How does this study relate to content and ideas we have discussed this quarter? (see attachment) What do you think is not yet understood about this topic, and how might researchers or activists address these unknowns? What is the most significant contribution of this paper, in your opinion? Why does this issue matter? Please use direct quotes sparingly; focus on putting the arguments and insights into your own words (paraphrasing).Your paper should be roughly 3 pages (double spaced). Please use standard 12 point font and one-inch margins.Sources should be cited in APA (American Psychological Association) style, one of the most common citation styles within the social sciences. You are not required to draw on additional sources (other than the article of your choosing), but any additional sources you use must be cited.