Here is the information accumulated by a real livestock manager for a common scenario. What species would you suggest be utilized and why? Your thoughts on this scenario are to be posted for the class to read. After a few weeks of time to read the thoughts of others, please write your final suggestions and submit your thoughts under Finals Week for grading.
Scenario question: What grass and legume species would be best suited to the following sheep ranch located in western Oregon?
Ranch description: 10 acres of fenced pastures with available water, 30 ewes and their lambs (with no desire for larger numbers), barns for hay and supplement storage, shearing and lambing. Operation managed by husband and wife with minimal machinery and no hired labor.
Location: 54050 SW Hebo Rd, Grand Ronde OR 97347 (Yamhill County); Coordinates: 45°3′36″N lat., 123°36′33″W long.; Elevation: 344 ft (105 m)
Livestock: 30 ewes plus their lambs; 200% lamb crop
Climate: cool-temperate; wet, mild winters; warm, dry summers; annual rainfall: 52 in (1321 mm); snowfall: 10 in (25.4 cm); ave July high temp: 81 F (27.2 C); ave Jan low temp: 33 F (0.6 C); frost-free days: 140-190.
Irrigation:none. Click for maps (
Soil (from Web Soil Survey and soil test): Cumley silty clay loam, 2-20% slope; fertility level: medium; pH: 5.6; drainage class: moderately well-drained; salinity: unspecified. Click for Web Soil Survey (
Management level: High; careful attention to proper rotational grazing principles, liming and fertilizing, livestock healthcare; electric, predator exclusion fence.
If you want to review species that may be useful, here is an informative video –