Write a 250-350 words common
Please view the film:
“Leonardo DaVinowledge in the Last Scribal Age,” Isis , Vol. 88, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 1-41, available in the Readings nci The Man Who Wanted To Know Everything” (Feel free to skip the re-creation of his parachute and tank); Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rog5i2n1QVs
And read:
Pamela O. Long , “Power, Patronage, and the Authorship of Ars: From Mechanical Know-How to Mechanical KFolder and on JSTOR at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/235824
Then discuss:
In her essay, Long examines many topics mentioned in lecture and in Misa’s chapter (patronage, Alberti, Da Vinci and DiGiorgio etc). She focus on several aspects of this history: 1) the importance of the printing press over the scribal system, 2) the power relationship between artisans and the various elite princes, and others. Please discuss: A) Choose one of the authors she covers and discuss how her discussion of this person’s book(s) relates to these topics; and B) Based on the film Leonardo DaVinci discuss how he fits into Long’s discussion of Prince Practitioners?
***Use specific examples from Misa, Long, the Film and my lecture as needed to support your argument. Cite these so I can tell where you are getting your informations, for example: (Misa, P. XX), (Long, pp. xx-xx), and/or refer to a specific scene in the film or slide in the lecture.