Course Outcome assessed in this Assignment
HS415-2: Examine the principles of environmental epidemiology, including sources and exposure pathways of environmental hazards.
Review the List of Selected Multistate Foodborne Outbreak Investigations and the Waterborne Disease & Outbreak Surveillance Reports:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (20 Sep 2018). Foodborne Outbreaks: List of Selected Multistate Foodborne Outbreak Investigations. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (16 Oct 2017). Waterborne Disease & Outbreak Surveillance Reports. Retrieved from
Select an outbreak from one of these lists that you would like to research further. After selecting an outbreak, write a minimum 500-word expository essay by discussing the following:
Your paper needs to include at least three (3) references, which may include the assigned reading material for Unit 2.
Submitting your Assignment
Your paper must be submitted in a Microsoft® Word® file. Save the paper with the proper naming convention, using the last name listed in the grade book: lastname_HS415_Unit2.docx
Submit your file to the Unit 2 Assignment 1 Dropbox.
To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Grades tab after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted presentation.