Human reproduction powerpoint presentation | Biology homework help

Category: Questions

Human Reproduction

Unit VII assessment





Well, it is that time – yes, time for that talk. For this activity, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation about human reproduction. You are to pretend that the presentation is what you will use to give your son or daughter “the talk” about human reproduction.





  1. Identify the major structures and functions of the endocrine, skeletal, muscular, reproductive, and nervous systems.
  2. Evaluate various risk factors for diseases within body systems.
  3. Describe differences between male and female body structure and function.
  4. Explain sexual reproduction and development in humans.
  5. Differentiate between diseased states and homeostasis.
  6. Distinguish between the functions of the various glands of the body.




Computer with internet access




Make sure you use correct terminology, and include the following in your presentation:


  • Overall purpose of the reproductive systems
  • Information about the male and female systems
  • At least two visual aids illustrating the two systems
  • Structure and function of the organs involved
  • Practicing “safe sex” and preventing pregnancy and STDs
  • Use bulleted information on slides (five lines or less)
  • Include detail in the speaker’s notes
  • Include a separate title slide and a separate reference slide
  • Use appropriate font and backgrounds
  • Include at least six slides (not counting your title slide or reference slide)

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