The creator of the Fat Burning Furnace, Rob Poulos, has a way with the written word that makes it fun to read. Definitely not a chore! I lapped up the book in only a few hours and printed off the pages that demonstrated the exercises etc so that I could have them near me while I was learning the techniques. I also opted to buy the “Blowtorch” training package for an extra $29.97 because it contained 7 videos to demonstrate targeted exercises and a extra training manual.
One of the major myths that was uncovered for me in this package was that cardio workouts just don’t cut it! For years we’ve been bombarded with advertising that states cardio exercise is the only way to lose weight properly. Well it surely hadn’t worked for me! The only way your body can burn fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is to weight train. And don’t worry ladies, it’s not weight training in the sense that you’d know it! No bulky muscles to be seen here and all I do is exercise for approx 20 mins 3-4 times a week. It’s pretty easy! I’ve dropped 3 dress sizes in the last 4 months and I finally managed to get rid of that spare tyre around the middle that I just couldn’t shift after having my son nearly 14 years ago.