Of all the vulnerable populations, which cohort do you feel is often the most ignored? Were there any identified vulnerable groups that you had not considered?
How does vulnerability status affect morbidity and mortality?
Executive Order 13347
https://www.dol.gov/odep/pubs/ep/pr eparing.htm
-CDC Social Vulnerability Index https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= u5m0Lb3B4U Y&feature=youtu.be –
Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Disasters https://www.researchgate.net/public ation/226845811_Morbidity_and_M ortality_Associated_with_Disasters/ link/56436f0208ae451880a33d5c/do wnload
-Vulnerable populations – definitions
https://understandrisk.org/wp-conten t/uploads/Intro-to-social-vulnerability .pdf