Post Lab Questions
1) How would your calculation of the average number of water molecules present in Epsom salt be affected
if you heated your sample too strongly and and too long and decomposition started to take place? (Too
High, Too Low, Unchanged) Explain
2) How would the calculated number of water molecules present in Epsom salt be affected if procedure was
changed so the analysis was preformed using 8.500g of hydrated salt instead of 1.500g? (Too High, Too
Low, Unchanged) Explain
3) Calculate the mass percent of water contained in a sample of MgSO4.7H2O?
4) A sample of raw mining ore contains a hydrated salt called copper sulfate pentahydrate, CuSO4.5H2O. If
a 10.000g of the ore loses 0.499g of water when heated strongly, what is the mass percentage of
CuSO4.5H2O in the raw ore sample?