Sls1505 – college survival skills assignment 7

Category: Questions

 In this module, you learned about various strategies for effective communication. In this assignment, you will reflect on your own communication skills and identify ways you can improve.

  1. In a 1-2 page paper, complete the following:
    • Discuss a time when you feel you were using effective communication skills. This can be related to a conversation, written communication, or public speaking.
      • What elements of effective communication did you use?
      • How do you feel you can use these skills in your classroom or in other situations?
    • Discuss a time when you feel you were not successful in your communication. This can be related to a conversation, written communication, or public speaking.
      • of effective communication did you not use?
      • What could you have done differently?
      • How can you use what you learned from your examination of this experience in your future communication?

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