The future of computer mediated communication research paper and | BSCOM330 Computer Mediated Communication | University of Phoenix

Category: Questions


The following assignment allows you to write a paper and presentation as if you were going to a conference.

Congratulations! The proposal you submitted to the Information and Communication Technologies Conference at MIT this year has been accepted! You are now going to prepare both a paper and a presentation for a highly engaged audience of conference participants.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper and accompanying presentation evaluating the evolution, current impact, and future possibilities of computer-mediated communication (CMC).

Research and cite at least five scholarly sources in your paper.

Complete the following in your paper:

  • Critically examine at least two aspects of CMC studies, such as social media or video games.
  • Theorize about the positive and negative directions CMC could take in society.
  • Identify avenues where CMC could make a difference–socially, medically, educationally, politically, and otherwise.
  • Explain the role of privacy in computer mediated communication.

Create a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation highlighting the main points of your research paper. Include at least one audience interactive component.

Submit both your paper and presentation with appropriate course-level APA7 formatting.

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