The glass castle socratic seminar

Category: Questions

The Glass Castle Socratic Seminar 

Directions and Explanation 

This Socratic seminar will be used your final evaluation on The Glass Castle.  

You will earn assessment grades on your notecards, and an evaluation grade for your participation in the seminar based on the attached rubrics. During the seminar, you will be expected to answer a randomly selected base question and organize, articulate, and support your response. 

You will also be graded on adding on new and insightful information to your peers’ base question at least three times.

The class will be split into four groups (group A, group B, group C, and group D). Based on your group, you will be given a set of base questions.  You will create one notecard for each assigned base question. 

How to setup your notecards to answer base questions

  • QUESTION at the top of the notecard
  • ANSWER the question with details from the text
  • CITE at least one quote to backup your response and explain it
  • CONNECTIONS Make text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world connections

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