The Polish Boxer 4 page Essay

Category: Literature

You are to write a four page essay, MLA formatted, on one of the following options.


Option 1: 

Eduardo Halfon opens his novel, The Polish Boxer, with an epigraph from Henry Miller: “I have moved the typewriter into the other room where I can see myself in the mirror as I write.” Write an essay explaining and interpreting the significance of Halfons use of this literary technique, the epigraph, in the novel. Please make sure to draw on at least four of the chapters in The Polish Boxer.




Option #2:

Eduardo Halfon titled his novel The Polish Boxer. Write an essay explaining and interpretation the significance of the title in the novel as a whole.  


P.S. You need to read The Polish Boxer before writing this essay! Please find the book and read it. It’s an easy book. Worth 20% of my grade!! You can choose to write about either option #1 or option #2. Whichever you want. Thanks


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