these are the questiotion Whenever it rains to much in one area the_______ usally causes local flooding in that area. The rocky…

Category: Geography

these are the questiotion
Whenever it rains to much in one area the_______ usally causes local flooding in that area.

The rocky mountains make up important ________ between rivers that flow to the pacif ocean and hudson bay

The ottawa river is a ______ of the st.LAWrence river

______ is often a big problem for the prairie farms when they need to grow their crops with it does not rain that much

The mackenzice river that flows through the yukon has a huge _______ where it enters the arctic ocean of many little channels

Winnipeg is located at the ________ where the red and assiniboine rivers meet and continue to flow north to hudson bay

here are the answer
Drainage basin
Ground water
Water surplus

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