Title Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Type of document Research Paper
Number of pages/words 3 Pages Double Spaced (approx 275 words per page)
Subject area American Literature
Academic Level Undergraduate
Style MLA
Number of sources/references 2
Order description:
The student will write a Literary Research Paper in MLA Format over the novella _Of Mice and Men_ by John Steinbeck. The paper should delve substantially into a thesis which addresses plot, theme, style, form, symbol(s), AND/OR characters/archetypes. Possible thesis examples could include various forms of discrimination depicted in the work, the portrayal of friendships, the role of foreshadowing, the depiction of loneliness, etc.
The student must use a minimum of one quote EACH from two (2) secondary sources (full text articles from GAILEO) and one (1) primary source (the primary source for this paper would be the novella _Of Mice and Men_). All quotes should be properly cited using in-text citations along with a correctly formatted Works Cited page. The ‘Literary Research Paper in MLA Format Folder’ contains links and information on writing in MLA Format as well as a multitude of other resources to assist you with this assignment.
Secondary sources MUST come from full text articles found in GALILEO. Use of secondary sources such as Wikipedia, blog posts, message boards, and web pages are inappropriate for this level of research and will not be considered a secondary source.