Two reflective essays | Biology homework help

Category: Biology


Essay (3 parts):

1. Introduction

2. Body (2-4 paragraphs)

3. Conclusion

Other requirements:

• A firm thesis – Last sentence of introduction paragraph

• Choose two lessons that you feel were the most useful or important to you as a leader 

and explain why.

• Write an essay for each of the two topics you selected.

• Explain how you will implement what you learned from the lessons when you 

return to your unit.

• Describe the possible obstacles or barriers to your implementation of what you 

learned and how you will overcome the obstacles or barriers.

• Essays should be no less than 550 words

I choose:

– “Public speaking” (Because I know, like a leader I need to know how to speak in front of 

people. Before BLC my speaking skills were very bad. During class I learn a lot of helpful 

stuff, like: important eye contact, body movements, use pitches on important words, we 

learn 4 types of Army briefs, preparation steps…also I feel confident after my public speaking in front of my classmates……).

– “Team Building and Conflict Management” (like a future leader I should to know how to 

build my team, build strong relationships between my soldiers, how resolve conflicts. We 

learn different types conflicts, some of them even good for mission….. )

P. S. I have attache pp presentations from both classes for your convenient, just for you to have some basic knowledge about these classes. You can write essay using ur own words just like regular you are explaining, how you will use all knowledges and skills from these lessons in future work when you come back to your unit. 

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