First, think about your individual health and health risks, by considering what genetic diseases or problems are prevalent in your family. Do you have a predisposition to breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension or any other disease? You may consider your own health risks or those of other individuals such as a family member or friend. Then, in a paper of 750–1,000 words, address the following:
Part I: Evaluating Risk for Disease
- What genetic diseases or problems did you identify to be potential issues?
- Choose one of these diseases and provide an introduction of the disease, including the reason why this would be considered to be a genetic/inherited disease?
- Discuss the major signs/symptoms of the disorder. Research the mode of inheritance for your chosen disease and provide a thorough discussion of the mode of inheritance. If you are not able to find a specific mode of inheritance, provide a hypothesis for the mode of inheritance. Explain your reasoning thoroughly.
- What information would help an individual who has been recently diagnosed with the disease?
- What would you say to a family member who is also at risk for developing the disease? What should they know about passing this disease trait to their children?
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