Watching a documentary and providing 1 and half or 2 pages summary

Category: Geography

watching a video and providing a write-up about the video. I am looking for a write-up that includes a detailed summary of the video along with your thoughts – what did you learn, what did you find interesting, etc… You should easily be able to provide a 1 and half or 2 pages write-up and obviously more detail than that is better.


This video deals with the Darfur region of Sudan.  It chronicles a genocide and what the UN did (or didn’t do) to stop it.  The documentary ends in 2008.  Be sure to research what has happened in Darfur since the end of the documentary.  This video covers topics that we have already discussed (Environmental aspects / Population, Culture) as well as many we are still going to discuss (economics).  Be sure to pay close attention to these aspects in the video and especially how they are interrelated.



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