Identify two key elements of the catalog’s Academic Integrity (Links to an external site.) and Academic Dishonesty (Links to an external site.) sections and describe how you feel these elements are important to you as a scholar and professional.
Two elements of academic integrity
1 personal responsibility
2 original thought
Academic dishonesty
1 plagiarism
2 falsifying data
• Explain how the online writing or graphic you chose uses information unethically. In your explanation, be sure to refer to the two key elements you identified in the previous step.
American News Published a false story claiming actor Denzel Washington endorsed Donald Trump for president. The fictional headline led to thousands of people sharing it on Facebook, a prominent example of fake news spreading on the social network prior to the 2016 presidential election
· Develop a strategy for how you, as a scholar, could avoid making the same ethical mistake?
Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.
You must cite and reference any sources that you use in your posts, including your textbook or any other sources of information that you use. Please refer to the Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for help with citing and referencing your sourcesking this same ethical mistake