Where to download free audio books?

Category: Chemistry


On Book Riot, we adore audiobooks. On our commutes, we enjoy listening to them. We’re cleaning the house. While we’re on the move. Alternatively, we could do it while we’re cooking. There is plenty of time for audiobook listening. 

Fortunately, these websites provide access to tens of thousands of free audiobooks online, many of which can be accessed anytime and from any location. Hundreds of thousands. That is a large number of books. Start paying attention.

All of these audiobook options are free, but they’re all legal. Sure, I’m sure you can find illicit copies on the internet, but that doesn’t benefit the authors and publishers you know and love. 

Instead, check out these free resources by Ghostwriting Service and then submit reviews on GoodReads, Amazon, and other review sites for these books.


Librivox is a non-profit organization dedicated to digitizing public domain literature and making them available as free audiobooks. Over 10,000 projects are available on the site, with titles ranging from War and Peace to Leaves of Grass, The Dream of the Red Chamber, and Anne of Green Gables.


Lit2Go provides audiobooks, plays, short tales, and poems that have been specifically designed for classroom usage. You’ll get citation information, playtime, and word count with each free audiobook. Like Shakespeare’s Hamlet, some come with a PDF that can be read along with the text.


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