Which of the following bar charts describes a system that is in solution equilibrium?
four bar charts
A. Graph A
B. Graph B
C. Graph C
D. Graph D
Using the information below, what will happen to the cell as it reaches equilibrium?
chart displaying solute and solvent data
A. The cell will get smaller.
B. The cell will get bigger.
C. The cell will stay the same size.
D. The change in cell size cannot be determined.
A sample of seaweed contains two liters of water and has 100 grams of salt dissolved in its cells. The seaweed is placed in a bucket with 4 liters of water and 300 grams of dissolved salt. What will occur when the system reaches equilibrium?
A. The seaweed will absorb 40 grams of salt.
B. The seaweed will lose 0.5 liters of water.
C. The seaweed will absorb 1.0 liters of water.
D. The seaweed will absorb 5.5 liters of water.