Which of the following best describes the delaney clause?

Category: Questions

Question 17.17. (TCO 5) What are the three classes of lipids?(Points : 2)

       Monosaccharide, disaccharides, and starch
       Triglycerides, sterols, and phospholipids
       Sterols, amino acids, and polysaccharides
       Phospholipids, glycogen, and dipeptides

Pag 2

1. (TCO 6) Per gram, which of the following foods would contain the highest protein content? (Points : 2)

       Cooked carrots
       Skim milk
       Whole-wheat bread


Question 2.2. (TCO 6) Well-planned vegetarian diets can reduce the risk of all of the following chronic diseases EXCEPT: (Points : 2)

       heart disease.


Question 3.3. (TCO 6) Of the 20 amino acids relevant to the human body, how many are considered essential? (Points : 2)

       They are all essential.


Question 4.4. (TCO 6) The absorption of proteins occurs in the: (Points : 2)

       small intestine.
       large intestine.


Question 5.5. (TCO 7) What is needed to convert Vitamin D to its active state? (Points : 2)

       Calcium consumption
       Intestinal bacteria
       All of the above


Question 6.6. (TCO 7) The malabsorption of fat puts those at risk for developing a: (Points : 2)

       Vitamin C deficiency.
       Vitamin D deficiency.
       mineral deficiency.
       all of the above.


Question 7.7. (TCO 7) Due to the fact that newborns do not have enough bacteria in their small intestine to make _______, they are given an injection of this nutrient.(Points : 2)

       Vitamin K


Question 8.8. (TCO 7) The absorption of calcium is inhibited by________. (Points : 2)

       Vitamin C
       Vitamin D
       oxalic acid
       essential fatty acids


Question 9.9. (TCO 8) Water has a high heat capacity. What does this term mean? (Points : 2)

       Water is resistant to changes in temperature.
       Water heats up or cools down very quickly.
       Water provides a useful source of stored kilocalories.
       Water transports the energy-yielding nutrients throughout the body.


Question 10.10. (TCO 8) Which organ is primarily responsible for maintaining fluid balance? (Points : 2)

       Small intestine


Question 11.11. (TCO 8) What is the primary reason why we sweat? (Points : 2)

       Maintain blood volume
       Maintain sodium balance
       Excrete waste products
       Regulate body temperature


Question 12.12. (TCO 8) Which of the following stimulates the thirst mechanism? (Points : 2)

       Increased concentration of solutes in the blood
       Elevated blood volume and pressure
       Lubrication of the mouth and throat tissues
       All of these


Question 13.13. (TCO 9) Which of the following BEST describes an eating disorder? (Points : 2)

       A psychiatric condition that requires a physician’s diagnosis
       Any condition in which one’s eating behavior changes more than six times per year
       General term that describes a variety of abnormal or atypical eating behaviors
       Any behavior in which one attempts to reduce one’s body weight below a healthy range


Question 14.14. (TCO 9) What is the standard criterion used for diagnosing an eating disorder? (Points : 2)

       Analysis of atypical food behavior
       Disordered eating questionnaire
       Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
       Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders



Question 15.15. (TCO 9) In which of the following events would carbohydrate loading be the most beneficial? (Points : 2)

       Weight lifting
       Baseball game
       Cross country skiing
       100-yard dash


Question 16.16. (TCO 10) What is a teratogen? (Points : 2)

       Any substance that can cause a birth defect
       The name of a pre-term baby
       The fertilized egg
       The process of implantation of the fertilized egg


Question 17.17. (TCO 10) Due to the fact that the demand for red blood cells increases during pregnancy, what nutrient is needed regularly? (Points : 2)

       All of the above


Question 18.18. (TCO 10) All of the following are physiological changes that typically occur with aging EXCEPT: (Points : 2)

       decreased lean body mass.
       decreased bone density.
       decreased fat mass.
       decreased immune function.

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